SAP for Maintenance Planners

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Many planners came up through the ranks with little training. If they were trained, they learned the basics, but not how SAP relates to their job as a Planner, or their screen configurations. This training is specifically designed for the Planner that uses SAP daily. We will review each aspect of the SAP “must know” planning functions.

This training can also be very helpful for Managers that have Planners reporting to them, so they better understand what Planners should know regarding SAP, to help the Planners generate better quality planned work packages.

Additionally, there are Supervisors, Leads, etc., that unfortunately, are tasked with Planning as well. While this is not optimal, this is a great opportunity to assist them in becoming more efficient by ensuring their SAP skills are enhanced.

This course was developed to support experienced Maintenance Planners, Supervisors, and other professionals to grow knowledge, confidence, and competence with planning in SAP.  
If you’re in search of…

  • Information and instruction on how best to use SAP to plan work and manage materials
  • A better understanding of how to manage Preventive, Predictive and repetitive work using Maintenance Plans.
  • Ways to improve work coordination in SAP to better manage maintenance work, and reduce downtime and lost wrench time.
  • Ways to create and save job plans to cut planning time and allow for continuous improvement of time management, proper materials, and job safety.
  • And more….

Whether you join the seminar from work or from home, you’re guaranteed to leave this session with more knowledge, confidence, and capability with planning in SAP.

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