The Six “Rules” of ROQ

The Six “Rules” of ROQ

Reorder Quantity (ROQ) is a critical driver in determining the overall inventory value carried in a storeroom. Determining the proper ROQ is crucial and getting it wrong can significantly impact your business. Setting Reorder Quantities too high could lead to a costly...
New Training!  Inventory Control

New Training! Inventory Control

This self-paced e-learning module is designed to empower maintenance teams, storeroom professionals, and organizational leaders with the knowledge to implement best practices in inventory control. By exploring the essentials of managing a maintenance storeroom, you...
Organizational Update

Organizational Update

We are thrilled to announce that Marshall Institute has appointed Thomas J. Furnival as our new President. Tom brings 17 years of strategic guidance and leadership to the role. He is excited, and well-positioned to drive Marshall Institute into the future while...